Pavel Durov, CEO of Telegram, has announced plans for a new mini app store feature, an in-app browser for Web3, and initiatives to combat crypto scams.
TakeAway Points:
- Pavel Durov has introduced new features such as a mini app store, an in-app browser for Web3, and initiatives to combat crypto scams.
- This announcement came as Durov forecasts 2024 as the year of blockchain mass adoption.
- Telegram’s user base has grown to 950 million monthly active users, with expectations to reach one billion soon.
Telegram’s mini app store and an in-app browser for Web3-pages
Telegram, an encrypted cross-platform messaging service, foresees 2024 as the pivotal year for blockchain adoption. “2024 will go down in history as the year when hundreds of millions of people became familiar with blockchain. We’re proud that Telegram is at the epicenter of this societal transformation,” he shared on his Telegram channel last week. Durov explained:
To keep the fire going, this month we will introduce a mini app store and an in-app browser with support for Web3 pages.
“We will also step up our efforts to fight the scammers seeking to defraud new entrants into the crypto realm,” Durov further revealed. “Soon, Telegram will begin displaying the month of registration and principal country for public accounts (similar to Instagram). We will also allow organizations to use their mini apps to issue labels for channels, creating a decentralized marketplace for third-party verification,” the CEO added.
Telegram move for a more secure Web3
Telegram aims to develop decentralized tools, including non-custodial wallets and decentralized exchanges, to securely facilitate cryptocurrency transactions for millions, Durov said back in November 2022. He emphasized that with advancements like the Open Network (TON), the blockchain industry can fulfill its mission of empowering individuals and eliminating the need for centralized intermediaries.
On Monday, Durov announced on his channel that Telegram has achieved a remarkable milestone, reaching 950 million monthly active users, a significant increase from the 900 million users the platform had in the spring. The number of users is now on track to surpass the monumental one billion user mark, he stressed.
About Telegram
Telegram Messenger, commonly known as Telegram, is a cloud-based, encrypted, cross-platform instant messaging (IM) service. It was originally launched for iOS on August 14 and Android on October 20, 2023. It allows users to exchange messages, share media and files, and hold private and group voice or video calls, as well as public livestreams. It is available for Android, iOS, Windows, macOS, Linux, and web browsers. Telegram also offers end-to-end encryption in voice and video calls, and in optional private chats, which Telegram calls Secret Chats.
Telegram also has social networking features, allowing users to post stories, create large public groups with up to 200,000 members, or share one-way updates with unlimited audiences in so-called channels.